Healing a hospital’s finances


A healthcare client created new policies and procedures for all its departments to address unpredictable costs and patient admissions.

Healthcare providers committed to providing quality services for the communities they serve are facing an unprecedented onslaught of challenges. It has never been harder for them to keep their institutions running at peak performance and to maintain the kinds of profit margins they need to remain viable.

To survive and flourish, the healthcare system needed to increase its efficiency across all its departments, become much more cost-effective, implement processes that would help its staff become more patient-focused, drive down costs across the board, and increase its volume of patients while maintaining an excellent level of care.



We identified the perfect match for the client and project — an independent professional with an extensive healthcare background and solid healthcare finance experience who would serve as the programme leads.

To help design and implement new workflows and success metrics for departments by:

  • Deploying teams to address four major areas of concern.
  • Collecting and analysing data to find key paths to improvement.
  • Creating new systems designed to address costs head-on.



Under her lead, a high-level change program was conceived and quick wins were identified. With her dynamic approach, our professional was able to achieved increased efficiency and patient-focus across al departments by implementing an intensive culture change program and effected a stringent budgeting and cost control model, resulting in a strong raise in patient’s satisfaction.

The change program was run across the client’s departments, ensuring that every action had maximum impact and yielded exceptional results in the quickest possible timeframe.


To learn more about how sebius professionals can transform your organization’s future, please contact us



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